DC/NOVA Lifestyle Photographer

Oh, hi!

This is me, Cerissa (if you need it, “sir-ee-sah”). I had just gotten home from the gym (leg day, long breaks in between sets just to listen to music and browse the interwebs), and our littler babe was napping. I had just pushed a handful of furniture out of the way, along with a stroller and a pile of jackets. I saw some inspiring window light, and I went to it. I rarely do self portraits, but I figured, I photograph you, I should jump in sometimes, too. Bangs are pretty new to me, and yes, I have a lot of freckles.

Tuesday has always been my least favorite day of the week, but the sun peeked out to say hey a couple of times, and I can’t really complain; it’ll just be even sweeter when spring comes to stay!