DC Newborn Lifestyle Session

When these mamas invited me to their (freaking gorgeous — I even said at one point, “your decor is ON POINT”) DC home to meet their new love (and their puppy loves and their lifelong loves), I looked forward to our date on my calendar for a few months. You know how sometimes you hype something up in your head? One date, or just one event. And you know how sometimes because you hype it up so much, it disappoints? This did not. Being able to photograph such sweet love is an actual gift, one I can’t imagine tiring of.

My blog post about this session is so long overdue and I’m so excited to share more highlights with y’all. This DC babe was surrounded by women — his mommies, an auntie, and his grandma. At one point, everyone was helping with an outfit change, and that moment will stick with me forever.

I like to imagine how the sunlight through his bedroom window felt for him, and how the sound machine sounded, not seeing anything, truly understanding anything but how it feels to be held and rocked, and full.

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