Arlington, VA Newborn Photographer

Arlington, VA Newborn Session: Baby E

It is the biggest compliment when clients contact me years after I first photograph them. I met these Arlington, VA lovelies as a party of 3, and basically threw my arms into the air in excitement when I heard about their new addition. They were on my calendar several months out, and it was 100% worth the wait.

Serenity Now

As a mother of two toddlers, I relate hard to difficult, chaotic, impossible mornings. Mama sent me a text early this particular morning to ask if we could push back a little bit, as it was one of THOSE mornings. Because I’m chronically sleep deprived, I said, FOR SURE, and sipped my coffee, a lot slower. It made the “Serenity Now” mug sighting even more amazing (and I’ll admit I had to look up the reference… I was never a big Seinfeld viewer), hearing the stories about their morning. This was an expected morning with a newborn, a typical morning with a toddler and a newborn.

Who we are, where we are the most ourselves… and Baby E

Two years ago, we met at a local park, took a walk in a field, through trees. This was natural in a different way. I love seeing where families normally sit, normally sit close, where toddlers normally lie down on the rug, feet up on the couch. And oh yes, Baby E. This is your story, about how you fit so perfectly into your mommy and daddy’s arms. Your sister is so interested in your fingers, your ears, in giving you kisses before going about her day, organizing her apricots just so on her plate. The light on that overcast day bathed your living room, and there were hints of autumn color out the back door.

Your parents laughed about the craziness of the morning, about eye bags, and how lovely our session was anyway. You’ll learn this. That chaos happens, but the pieces still fit, and the day moves along… And then this beauty happens.

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